May 27, 2020
CFNVR awarded $25,000 in its first round of grants to nonprofit organizations affected by COVID-19. Apple Ridge Farm made the first round! The purpose of this grant is to assist nonprofits navigating through this pandemic. One of the major challenges for Apple Ridge Farm has been to make changes to deliver its programming. This specifically has impacted its annual Academic Summer Camp which primarily serves low-income families.
With this funding, Apple Ridge Farm is able to deliver its Academic Summer Camp in a virtual setting. Apple Ridge Farm was able to purchase camera bundles and the necessary equipment to make a virtual camp experience for its campers. Academic Summer Camp staff will be still be able to provide academic enrichment by recording and uploading videos and other content to support campers at home in the Roanoke and New River Valleys.
For more information on the virtual academic summer camp, please visit
Thank you to the Community Foundation of the New River Valley for your generous contribution!
For information on donating Apple Ridge Farm, please visit or you may also contact India Stockton, Director of Administration and Development,